Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 2345 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Bloodmist Grasps50HandsLight Armor1377
Bloodmist Manacles50HandsHeavy Armor1377
Bloodmist Manipulators50HandsLight Armor1377
Bloodmist Shackles50HandsMedium Armor1377
Bloodmist Snatchers50HandsMedium Armor1377
Bloodmist Vices50HandsHeavy Armor1377
Bloodmist Wringers50HandsHeavy Armor1377
BrackWorks Officer's Handguards50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Ceremonial Nebulous Polygloves50HandsLight Armor1216
Choice Polywebbed Hands50HandsMedium Armor1267
Choice Skirmisher's Hands50HandsMedium Armor1322
Clutches of the Crimson Badlands50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Clutches of the Expedition50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Crystalized Infantry Gauntlets50HandsHeavy Armor1322
Crystalized Magniplate Gauntlets50HandsHeavy Armor1267
Engineer's Level 50 PvP Hands50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Esper's Level 50 PvP Hands50HandsLight Armor1269
Gauntlets of Primal Might50HandsMedium Armor1269
Gauntlets of the Expedition50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Gauntlets of the Expedition50HandsMedium Armor1269
Gloves of the Expedition50HandsLight Armor1269
Gran's Man-Crushers50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Grapples of Primal Zeal50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Grips of the Expedition50HandsMedium Armor1269
Hand Wraps of the Expedition50HandsLight Armor1269
Improved Enforcer's Handwraps50HandsMedium Armor1269
Improved Manaplate Handwraps50HandsMedium Armor1216
Jeweled Protostar Crushers50HandsHeavy Armor1216
Kappa's Sandblasted Leather Gloves50HandsMedium Armor1269
Knuckle Guards of the Detective50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Manipulators of the Expedition50HandsMedium Armor1269
Manipulators of the Expedition50HandsMedium Armor1269
Medic's Level 50 PvP Hands50HandsMedium Armor1269
Overhauled Magnipolymer Smartgrips50HandsMedium Armor1216
Phoenix Ember Bangles50HandsLight Armor1269
Phoenix Plume Crushers50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Phoenix Scorch Gloves50HandsMedium Armor1269
Primal Blaze Crushers50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Primal Flame Grips50HandsMedium Armor1269
Primal Flood Crushers50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Primal Gust Crushers50HandsMedium Armor1269
Primal Quake Crushers50HandsHeavy Armor1269
Primal Sense Bangles50HandsLight Armor1269
Primal Thesis Grips50HandsMedium Armor1269
Primal Torrent Grips50HandsLight Armor1269
Primal Tremor Grips50HandsMedium Armor1269
Primal Wind Bangles50HandsLight Armor1269
RegIS Protostar Bindings50HandsLight Armor1269
Smartgrips of Sanctuary50HandsMedium Armor1269
Spellslinger's Level 50 PvP Hands50HandsLight Armor1269