Wildstar Item Database

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Found 4476 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Hellrose Nectar50 Gear1686
Herald of the Sanctuary50GadgetGear995
Hexawebbed AEGIS Strengthener50 Gear1377
Hilt of the Crimson Shard50AugmentGear1430
Hilt of the Crimson Shard50AugmentGear1430
Howling Stormseed50ShieldsGear1615
Hunter's Gleaming Blade Sharpeners50 Gear1686
Hydration Recycler50AugmentGear1615
Ignacio's Envy50GadgetGear995
Inducer of the Dawn50AugmentGear1615
Industrial Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1430
Infantry Uplink50AugmentGear1430
Intensity of the Torine50 Gear1686
Intimidation of Flame50AugmentGear1615
Inuitive Eldritch Controller50AugmentGear1430
Kinetic Bolster50 Gear1686
Lava Whip Aegis50ShieldsGear1615
Lavalanche Controller50AugmentGear1615
Leaves of the First Harvest50AugmentGear1615
Life-Mender's Bioshield50ShieldsGear1615
Locket of the Lord of Leaves50GadgetGear1489
Lucy's Force Sphere50ShieldsGear1319
Lucy's Kinetic Web50ShieldsGear1319
Lucy's Prototype Barrier50ShieldsGear1319
Lucy's Superweave Field50ShieldsGear1319
Lure of the Strain50 Gear1686
Magma Flare Intensifier50 Gear1686
Magma Touch Shield50ShieldsGear1615
Malfunctioning Analyzer of the Badlands50 Gear1493
Malfunctioning Containment Unit50AugmentGear1615
Marksman's Stabilizers50 Gear1493
Masterson's Cardiogenic Stimulator50 Gear1493
Maw of the Vile50AugmentGear1615
Mendwell's Desperation50GadgetGear995
Mendwell's Empowering Field50ShieldsGear1430
Mendwell's Microplasmic Injector50AugmentGear1430
Microbic Turbo-Injector50 Gear1493
Microwarp Necrocite Bioshield50ShieldsGear1430
Microwarp Necrocite Bioshield50ShieldsGear1319
Microwarp Polylined Bioshield50ShieldsGear1318
Microwarp Polylined Bioshield50ShieldsGear1216
Modulated AEGIS Repulser50ShieldsGear1319
Module of the Witherguard50 Gear1686
Molten Rock Buffer50 Gear1686
Moodies Lost Fetish50 Gear1686
Nanostatic Blocker50ShieldsGear1615
Nature's Herald50ShieldsGear1615
Notched Bone of the Mother50AugmentGear1615
NovaPlus EnerLight Blocker50ShieldsGear1615
NovaPlus EnerSave Shield50ShieldsGear1615