Wildstar Item Database

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Found 1868 Items

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Ceremonial Superfabric Shoulder Armor43ShoulderHeavy Armor1034
Protracted Electroweave Collar43ShoulderLight Armor1034
Supreme Fibertronic Spaulders43ShoulderMedium Armor1034
Decorated Electrofiber Epaulets42ShoulderLight Armor993
Decorated Electrofiber Spaulders42ShoulderMedium Armor993
Modified Electroweave Shoulder Covers42ShoulderHeavy Armor993
Protostar Loftium-Infused Engraved Epaulets42ShoulderHeavy Armor993
Protostar Loftium-Infused Pauldrons42ShoulderMedium Armor993
Protostar Loftium-Infused Shoulder Pads42ShoulderLight Armor993
Sandproof Engraved Epaulets42ShoulderHeavy Armor993
Sandproof Pauldrons42ShoulderMedium Armor993
Sandproof Shoulder Pads42ShoulderLight Armor993
Decorated Electrochain Shoulder Guards41ShoulderHeavy Armor953
Superior Manaweave Spaulders41ShoulderMedium Armor953
Tailored Magnifabric Epaulets41ShoulderLight Armor953
Crestfallen Magnifabric Shoulder Pads40ShoulderLight Armor844
Marked Manaweave Collar40ShoulderLight Armor916
Particolored Electrolined Shoulders40ShoulderMedium Armor916
Tailored Magnichained Shoulder Guards40ShoulderHeavy Armor844
Tailored Magnifabric Spaulders40ShoulderMedium Armor844
Ultra-Manaplated Shoulder Armor40ShoulderHeavy Armor916
Basic Galactium Ribbons39ShoulderLight Armor810
Extravagant Xenocite Shoulder Armor39ShoulderHeavy Armor879
Extravagant Xenocite Shoulder Sash39ShoulderMedium Armor879
Plated Electrolite Shoulder Sash39ShoulderMedium Armor810
Well-Made Galactium Collar39ShoulderLight Armor879
Well-Made Hyperchain Shoulder Guards39ShoulderHeavy Armor810
Pointed Warpweave Epaulets38ShoulderLight Armor844
Stretched Intech Cap38ShoulderLight Armor778
Tailored Supermesh Spaulders38ShoulderMedium Armor844
Tailored Ultramesh Shoulder Guards38ShoulderHeavy Armor844
Well-Made Fibertronic Spaulders38ShoulderMedium Armor778
Well-Made Platinum Shoulder Armor38ShoulderHeavy Armor778
Basic Fibertronic Shoulder Armor37ShoulderMedium Armor811
Plated Platinum Shoulder Armor37ShoulderHeavy Armor811
Well-Made Galactium Shoulder Sash37ShoulderHeavy Armor747
Well-Made Galactium Spaulders37ShoulderMedium Armor747
Armored Polymer Pauldrons36ShoulderMedium Armor717
Basic Galactium Shoulder Gear36ShoulderHeavy Armor717
Basic Galactium Shoulders36ShoulderMedium Armor717
Conditioned Necrocite Mantle36ShoulderLight Armor717
Introde Cloth Epaulets36ShoulderLight Armor717
Universal Armored Pauldrons36ShoulderHeavy Armor717
Durken Engraved Pauldrons35ShoulderMedium Armor689
Electrofiber Engraved Pauldrons35ShoulderMedium Armor689
Naketree Warpweave Epaulets35ShoulderLight Armor689
Platinum-Threaded Shoulder Plates35ShoulderHeavy Armor689
ThetaTech Threaded Shoulderplates35ShoulderHeavy Armor689
Clairvoyant's Afflicting Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor749
Clairvoyant's Meditative Shawl34ShoulderLight Armor749