Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 2352 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Blightwalkers FeetHeavy Armor1219
Blightwalkers FeetHeavy Armor1219
Bounty Hunter's Foot Guards FeetMedium Armor811
Bug-a-Boots FeetMedium Armor252
Crusty Canimid Slippers FeetLight Armor307
Deathroller Kickers FeetHeavy Armor326
Deathroller Punters FeetMedium Armor326
Deathroller Slippers FeetLight Armor326
Foot Pads of the Goliath FeetMedium Armor252
Foot Wraps of the Dragoncult FeetLight Armor399
Footsteps of the Augmented Dragon FeetMedium Armor747
Fortune-Finder Shoes FeetLight Armor252
Gnarl-Hide Punters FeetMedium Armor307
Gnarly Heavy Boots FeetHeavy Armor307
Golden Galoshes FeetHeavy Armor252
Grendelkin's Striders FeetLight Armor252
Heavy Bug-a-Boots FeetHeavy Armor252
Inversion Overboots FeetHeavy Armor747
Light Bug-a-Boots FeetLight Armor252
Magnetized Miner's Boots FeetLight Armor593
Magnetized Miner's Boots FeetMedium Armor593
Necrowalkers FeetMedium Armor1219
Necrowalkers FeetMedium Armor1219
Professor Earp's Half-Chewed Sandals FeetLight Armor307
Steps of the Blighted Pass FeetMedium Armor1219
Strain-Touched Sandals FeetLight Armor1219
Strain-Touched Stompers FeetMedium Armor1219
Strain-Touched Treads FeetHeavy Armor1219
Strain-Touched Treads FeetHeavy Armor1219
Striders of the Blighted Pass FeetLight Armor1219
Tech-Infused Moonstriders FeetLight Armor747
The Deathrollers FeetLight Armor326
Thorn Treaders FeetMedium Armor399
Treasure Trove Walkers FeetMedium Armor252
Wodenboots FeetHeavy Armor252
Athletic Quantum Leapers50FeetLight Armor1377
Auditor's Sandstriders50FeetMedium Armor1269
Balanced Quantum Leapers50FeetMedium Armor1377
Boots of Progress50FeetHeavy Armor1269
BrackWorks Scout's Sabatons50FeetHeavy Armor1269
Callous Quantum Leapers50FeetHeavy Armor1377
Cleats of the Grimvault50FeetMedium Armor1269
Comfortable Freelancer's Treads50FeetMedium Armor1216
Commercial Quantum Leapers50FeetMedium Armor1377
Crystalline Scout's Slippers50FeetLight Armor1216
Decorated Galactium Boots50FeetLight Armor1322
Decorated Superpolymer Boots50FeetLight Armor1267
Engineer's Level 50 PvP Feet50FeetHeavy Armor1269
Esper's Level 50 PvP Feet50FeetLight Armor1269
Extravagent Officer's Striders50FeetHeavy Armor1322