Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1009 Items

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Schematic: Slate-Infused Chargers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Slate-Infused Claymore1 Schematic 
Schematic: Slate-Infused Hand Spikes1 Schematic 
Schematic: Slate-Infused Moon Star1 Schematic 
Schematic: Slate-Infused Shotgun1 Schematic 
Schematic: Slate-Infused Sidearms1 Schematic 
Schematic: Spectral Edge1 Schematic 
Schematic: Spectral Fangs1 Schematic 
Schematic: Spectral Heavy Shooter1 Schematic 
Schematic: Spectral Moon Star1 Schematic 
Schematic: Spectral Musketoons1 Schematic 
Schematic: Spectral Shockers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Stormcrush Bladed Psybomb1 Schematic 
Schematic: Stormcrush Blasters1 Schematic 
Schematic: Stormcrush Cannon1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thermock Autocannon1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thermock Neuroguns1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thermock Psystar1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thermock Razor Grasps1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thermock Shockers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thermock Slayer1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thirsty Creek Edge1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thirsty Creek Hand Spikes1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thirsty Creek Mind Star1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thirsty Creek Photon Cannon1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thirsty Creek Shockers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Thirsty Creek Shooters1 Schematic 
Schematic: Torian's Pride1 Schematic 
Schematic: Truthbound Heavy Needler1 Schematic 
Schematic: Truthbound Neuroguns1 Schematic 
Schematic: Truthbound Shockers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Truthbound Slicers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Truthbound Smart Sword1 Schematic 
Schematic: Truthbound Star Blade1 Schematic 
Schematic: Walatiki Combat Assist Module1 Schematic 
Schematic: Walatiki Moodie Assault Gun1 Schematic 
Schematic: Walatiki Moodie Chargers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Walatiki Moodie Cutter1 Schematic 
Schematic: Walatiki Moodie Micromortars1 Schematic 
Schematic: Walatiki Moodie Psionic Star1 Schematic 
Schematic: Walatiki Moodie Razor Grasps1 Schematic 
Schematic: Warmonger Breaker1 Schematic 
Schematic: Warmonger Dicers1 Schematic 
Schematic: Warmonger Shockers1 Schematic 
Cookbook Chapter 10: Inspired Barbecued Dishes  Schematic 
Cookbook Chapter 12: Inspired Smoked Dishes  Schematic 
Cookbook Chapter 13: Gourmet Steamed Dishes  Schematic 
Cookbook Chapter 14: Gourmet Braised Dishes  Schematic 
Cookbook Chapter 29: Inspired Foods On-A-Stick  Schematic 
Cookbook Chapter 32: Inspired Baked Dishes  Schematic