Wildstar Item Database

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Found 9210 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
To the Pain AMP  Skill AMP155
To the Pain AMP  Skill AMP155
Toolbelt  Bag97
Transportable Microtube  Bag846
Traveler's Satchel  Bag97
Treasure Trove Walkers FeetMedium Armor252
Tremor Disperser ShieldsGear215
Trigger Fingers AMP  Skill AMP155
Trigger Fingers AMP  Skill AMP155
Trivergent Regulator AugmentGear473
Trousers of the Devourer LegsMedium Armor252
Trousers of the Devourer LegsMedium Armor252
Truthseeker's Biological Analyzer  Gear1493
Truthseeker's Biological Analyzer  Gear1493
Truthseeker's Chemical Analyzer  Gear1493
Truthseeker's Scanner  Gear1170
Try and Hurt Me AMP  Skill AMP155
Try and Hurt Me AMP  Skill AMP155
Turn the Tables AMP  Skill AMP155
Turn the Tables AMP  Skill AMP155
Twilight Dye  Dyes 
Twilight Dye  Dyes 
Tympanal Probe  Gear749
Ultraviolent Dye  Dyes 
Ultraviolent Dye  Dyes 
Unbound Hydroguard Bindings HandsLight Armor141
Used Protostar Shipping Box  Bag358
Venom-Stained Knuckle Guards HandsHeavy Armor197
Venomous Spider Pinchers Primary WeaponWeapon - Claws160
Vices of the Dragoncult HandsHeavy Armor399
Vices of the Drusera HandsMedium Armor1493
Vices of the Singularity HandsHeavy Armor747
Vinewrap Legs LegsLight Armor233
Vinewrapped Battle Pants LegsHeavy Armor233
Vitalium Ingot  Mastercraft846
Vogor's Strength AugmentGear381
Void Hunter Bronze Reward Bag  Salvageable Item155
Void Hunter Gold Reward Bag  Salvageable Item155
Void Hunter Silver Reward Bag  Salvageable Item155
Vox's Aggression AugmentGear436
Vulcarrion Heavy Vest ChestHeavy Armor553
Wallbreaker Pantaloons LegsMedium Armor1493
Wallbreaker Pantaloons LegsMedium Armor1493
Wallbreaker Pantaloons LegsMedium Armor1493
Wallbreaker Pantaloons LegsMedium Armor1493
Wanderer's Protomesh Kilt LegsLight Armor363
Wanderer's Protoplate Greaves LegsHeavy Armor363
Wanderer's Protopolymer Pantaloons LegsMedium Armor363
Wanderer's Ultrafiber Polygloves HandsLight Armor252
Wanderer's Ultramesh Grips HandsMedium Armor252