Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1171 Items

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Giant Slayer's Aegis ShieldsGear453
Giant Slayer's Aegis ShieldsGear453
Giant-Killer Talisman ShieldsGear453
Giant-Killer Talisman ShieldsGear453
Giant-Slayer's Aegis ShieldsGear453
Giant-Slayer's Aegis ShieldsGear453
Grimclaw Field Generator ShieldsGear1121
Grunt's Antiparticle Aegis ShieldsGear82
Grunt's Radioactive Aegis ShieldsGear82
Grunt's Resonant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Grunt's Reverberant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Hermetic Vaporizer ShieldsGear314
Horror of the Dark ShieldsGear1121
Manaplate Protoshield ShieldsGear513
Microfusion Energy Sphere ShieldsGear811
Microfusion Wave Projector ShieldsGear1034
Microwarp Necrocite Bioshield ShieldsGear1430
Pikefall Expeditionary Personal Shield ShieldsGear215
Plasma Drill Radiation Shield ShieldsGear198
Proton Burst Immunity Field ShieldsGear326
Reactive Energy Field ShieldsGear141
Scavenger's Antiparticle Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scavenger's Radioactive Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scavenger's Resonant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scavenger's Reverberant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scout's Antiparticle Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scout's Radioactive Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scout's Resonant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Scout's Reverberant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Shard of the Stalagmight ShieldsGear215
Shelter of Tremor Ridge ShieldsGear215
Shield of Carven Stone ShieldsGear252
Signal Officer's Bioshield ShieldsGear633
Tremor Disperser ShieldsGear215
Accelerated Hypertronic Energy Web50ShieldsGear1167
Accelerated Protostar Energy Web50ShieldsGear1267
Aura of Thirst50ShieldsGear1216
Buoyancy Field50ShieldsGear1216
Cankerous Antifusion Shelter50ShieldsGear1216
Engineer's Level 50 PvP Shield50ShieldsGear1216
Esper's Level 50 PvP Shield50ShieldsGear1216
Fruit Loom50ShieldsGear1216
Investigator's Force Sphere50ShieldsGear1216
Medic's Level 50 PvP Shield50ShieldsGear1216
Microwarp Necrocite Bioshield50ShieldsGear1216
Microwarp Polylined Bioshield50ShieldsGear1121
Oasis in the Wasteland50ShieldsGear1216
Protostar Necrocite Bioshield50ShieldsGear1216
Severe Shadow Caster50ShieldsGear1319
Shell of Eternal Youth50ShieldsGear1319