Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1938 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Bland Seared Rib1 Junk 
Blayke Smith's Pile of Parts1 Salvageable Item 
Blood Analyzer1 Junk 
Bloody Bait1 Junk 
Cinematic High Engineer Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic High Esper Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic High Medic Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic High Spellslinger Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic High Stalker Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic High Warrior Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Low Engineer Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Low Esper Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Low Medic Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Low Spellslinger Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Low Stalker Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Low Warrior Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Mid Engineer Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Mid Esper Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Mid Medic Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Mid Spellslinger Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Mid Stalker Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Cinematic Mid Warrior Kit1 Salvageable Item 
Corrupted Skeech Blood Sample1 Junk 
Corrupted Skug Blood Sample1 Junk 
Cuboar Head1 Junk 
Damaged Greatsword1 Junk 
Damaged Training Core1 Junk 
Dawngrazer Head1 Junk 
Delicate Feather1 Junk 
Dirt-Encrusted Relic1 Junk 
DRED Crate1 Junk 
Drill Parts1 Junk 
Eldan Lorestone1 Junk 
Eldan Lorestone1 Junk 
Eldan Treasure Map1 Junk 
Filtered Water1 Junk 
Garr Head1 Junk 
Hearthstone1 Junk 
ICI Scout Report1 Junk 
Immature Skug Pheromone Gland1 Junk 
Lore Runes1 Junk 
Mining Brazier1 Junk 
Personal Minebot1 Junk 
Practice Blade1 Junk 
Puzzle Piece B00A - Yellow 101 Junk 
Rowsdower Head1 Junk 
Salt Leaf1 Junk 
Simple Eldan Key1 Junk 
Skug Pheromone Gland1 Junk 
Snuggles the Adorable Baby Pumera1 Pet