Wildstar Item Database

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Found 6291 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Navigator's Key  Quest Item 
Tainted Carrion1 Quest Item 
High-Frequency Emitter1 Quest Item 
Gala's Report  Quest Item 
Classic Flesh Stew5 Dyes 
Blighted Plant Sample  Quest Item 
Datachron Tracking Program1 Quest Activated 
Scent of Serum Distributor1 Quest Activated 
Serpentlily Medispray10 Medishots & Boosts300
Thick Bone15 Survivalist169
Battlesworn Medallion1 Quest Item 
Dash of Citric Acid19 Hobby227
Grimgourd Cord31 Architect401
Flooded Boot32 Junk416
Hydropurple Dye  Dyes 
Pattern: ECU Basic Manaweave Patrol Cap1 Schematic 
True Sight AMP  Skill AMP155
Design: Conscript-Issue Galactium Greaves1 Schematic 
Guide: Frostshore Icebath Shoulders1 Schematic 
Reckful AMP  Skill AMP155
Black Box1 Quest Item 
Eldan Inscription Rubbing1 Quest Item 
Dismount1 Quest Activated 
Elegant Rib Stew25 Dyes 
Fizzleberry  Reagent - Crafting24
TEST Item Given on Quest Complete  Quest Item 
Oakwraith Igniter1 Quest Activated 
Serpentlily Medishot: Shield Restore10 Medishots & Boosts271
Tempered Bone25 Survivalist314
Pinch of Curry Powder19 Hobby227
Steel Bone Needle31 Architect401
Waterlogged Boot40 Junk564
'Epochos' AS-1 SS Combat Support System50 Gear1322
Darkspur Purple Dye  Dyes 
Laceration AMP  Skill AMP155
Hyper Shield AMP  Skill AMP155
Pattern: ECU Basic Starloom Jacket1 Schematic 
Design: Conscript-Issue Galactium Gauntlets1 Schematic 
Guide: Frostshore Icebath Hand Warmers1 Schematic 
Net Gun1 Quest Item 
Camera  Quest Activated 
Merchant Manifests  Quest Item 
Classic Fish Stew5 Dyes 
Blackroot  Reagent - Crafting140
Petal Amulet1 Quest Activated 
Frequency Node1 Quest Item 
Stillstalker Genetic Disruptor  Quest Activated 
Eldan Combat Arm1 Quest Item 
Novice Brutality Boost5 Medishots & Boosts111
Steel Bone35 Survivalist459