Wildstar Item Database

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Found 1171 Items

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'Adventus' AS-2 CS Neurocite Shield50ShieldsGear1322
'Adventus' AS-2 CS Vitalium Shield50ShieldsGear1322
'Adventus' AS-3 CS Neurocite Shield50ShieldsGear1434
'Adventus' AS-3 CS Vitalium Shield50ShieldsGear1434
'Epochos' AS-1 CS Main Combat Shield50ShieldsGear1322
Accelerated Force Barrier37ShieldsGear717
Accelerated Force Barrier37ShieldsGear661
Accelerated Hypertronic Energy Web50ShieldsGear1167
Accelerated Hypertronic Energy Web50ShieldsGear1266
Accelerated Intech Shield Generator30ShieldsGear593
Accelerated Intech Shield Generator30ShieldsGear553
Accelerated Particle Field5ShieldsGear39
Accelerated Protostar Energy Web50ShieldsGear1267
Accelerated Protostar Energy Web50ShieldsGear1374
Accelerated Repulsor47ShieldsGear1077
Accelerated Repulsor47ShieldsGear1168
Accelerated Wave Field43ShieldsGear916
Accelerated Wave Field43ShieldsGear993
Adjudicator's Bombarding Shelter50ShieldsGear1904
Adjudicator's Warding Shelter50ShieldsGear1904
Adora's Projected Blocker50ShieldsGear1430
Adroit Exanite Matrix50ShieldsGear1430
AEGIS Deflector Shields11ShieldsGear178
Aggressor's Assailing Ward41ShieldsGear881
Aggressor's Thwarting Ward41ShieldsGear881
Aggressor's Ward41ShieldsGear778
Agitator's Fusillade Energy Shield50ShieldsGear1904
Agitator's Invigorating Energy Shield50ShieldsGear1904
Alderblade's Mental Repulsor30ShieldsGear662
Algorithmic Damage Resister50ShieldsGear2968
Ambusher's Invasive Ward41ShieldsGear881
Ambusher's Phasing Ward41ShieldsGear881
Ambusher's Ward41ShieldsGear778
Analyst's Antiparticle Aegis ShieldsGear82
Analyst's Radioactive Aegis ShieldsGear82
Analyst's Resonant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Analyst's Reverberant Aegis ShieldsGear82
Annihilator's Bombarding Ward41ShieldsGear881
Annihilator's Ward41ShieldsGear778
Annihilator's Warding Ward41ShieldsGear881
Anomalous Absorber27ShieldsGear492
Anomalous Absorber27ShieldsGear455
Anti-Gronyx Repulsor13ShieldsGear233
Anti-Magnetic Combat Shield ShieldsGear252
Anti-Magnetic Combat Shield ShieldsGear289
Anti-Particle Exanite Absorber33ShieldsGear565
Anti-Particle Hyperwave Shelter45ShieldsGear993
Anti-Particle Manaweave Shield34ShieldsGear584
Anti-Venin Field Generator ShieldsGear123
Antimagnetic Combat Shield14ShieldsGear252