Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1493 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
"Clean" Ultrapollen1 Quest Item 
'Special' Brew  Quest Item 
2-Hand Weapon Mold12 Quest Item126
4 Sided Die1 Quest Activated 
6 Sided Die1 Quest Activated 
8 Sided Die1 Quest Activated 
A Keg of Slush  Quest Item 
A Strange Relic  Quest Activated 
Abomination's Skull3 Starts a Quest 
ACM Bot  Quest Activated 
Adrenaline Injection1 Quest Item 
Adventures Intro Skipper  Quest Item 
Aged Cask1 Quest Item 
Aggregor's Core50 Starts a Quest846
Aggregor's Core50 Starts a Quest846
Agitator Attention Horn  Quest Activated 
Air Extractor1 Quest Activated 
Alchemist's Notes  Starts a Quest 
Algoroc Mineral Deposit1 Quest Item 
Algoroc Mineral Samples1 Quest Item 
All-Purpose Threat Reductionator  Quest Activated 
Alpha Watch Medical Supplies1 Quest Item 
Alpha Watch Military Badge1 Quest Item 
Alpha-Cabra Pheromone Gland1 Quest Activated 
Alpha-Cabra Pheromone Gland1 Quest Item 
Alvin's Item Quest Activation of Fun1 Starts a Quest 
Ammunition Supplies1 Quest Item 
Ancient Imperial Emblem1 Starts a Quest 
Ancient Loftite Encrusted Necklace1 Quest Item 
Ancient Preserved Manuscript1 Quest Item 
Ancient Red Pearl  Quest Item 
Anika's Spyglass  Starts a Quest 
Animal Skull1 Quest Item 
Anomaly Scanner1 Quest Activated 
Anomaly Scanner1 Quest Activated 
Anomaly Scanner1 Quest Activated 
Anthracite Crystal1 Quest Item 
Antitank Mine1 Quest Activated 
Aquion Genetic Sample  Quest Item 
Arbor Rook Food Supplies1 Quest Item 
Arborean Turnip Leaf1 Quest Item 
Archaeologist's Catalogue1 Quest Item 
Arlton's Dagun1 Quest Activated 
Aromatic Stumpkin Bark1 Quest Item 
Ash Hen Blood1 Quest Item 
Astro Mite Extermination Kit  Quest Activated 
Attack Mongrel  Quest Activated 
Attack Plans1 Quest Item 
Audio Recorder1 Quest Activated 
Augmented Remains1 Starts a Quest