Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 3679 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Vestment of Primal Air ChestLight Armor749
Mantle of Flavor Crystals ShoulderLight Armor529
Circlet of Thorns HeadLight Armor547
Exile's Britches LegsLight Armor53
Vesture of the Caretaker ChestLight Armor662
Synthetic Dagun Fur Grips HandsLight Armor289
Professor's Adjustors HandsLight Armor381
Quickness Special Light Boots FeetLight Armor881
Strain-Touched Sandals FeetLight Armor1124
Striders of the Blighted Pass FeetLight Armor1124
High Priest's Slacks LegsLight Armor747
Mayor's Executive Gloves HandsLight Armor233
Hurdle Special Light Boots FeetLight Armor881
Wraps of the Master HandsLight Armor510
Murderer's Bloody Gloves HandsLight Armor613
Megatech Technician's Shoes FeetLight Armor10
Researcher's Dusty Steps FeetLight Armor613
Longevity Special Light Boots FeetLight Armor881
Taran's Shawl ShoulderLight Armor399
Death's Light Claws HandsLight Armor662
Warm Yeti Fur Boots FeetLight Armor10
Tidewalker Vestments ChestLight Armor846
Minesweeper Manipulators HandsLight Armor10
Icecracker Trenchcoat ChestLight Armor593
Desperate Escape Special Light Boots FeetLight Armor881
Boots of the Fortress FeetLight Armor344
Blimp Pilot's Suit ChestLight Armor141
Interwoven Polymer Vest ChestLight Armor141
Ravenous Epaulets ShoulderLight Armor635
Tidewalker Vestments ChestLight Armor846
Death's Light Claws HandsLight Armor662
Osprea's Hands HandsLight Armor344
Crusty Canimid Slippers FeetLight Armor307
Scrab Smasher Fingerpads HandsLight Armor10
Desperate Avoidance Special Light Boots FeetLight Armor881
Professor Earp's Half-Chewed Sandals FeetLight Armor307
Mondo's Light Shoulders ShoulderLight Armor473
Treads of Watery Focus FeetLight Armor473
Darktide Leg Wraps LegsLight Armor811
Hand Wraps of the Elected HandsLight Armor233
Citizen's Suit ChestLight Armor53
Builder's Protomesh Kilt LegsLight Armor363
Researcher's Dusty Steps FeetLight Armor613
Heretic's Breeches LegsLight Armor553
Wraps of the Master HandsLight Armor510
Viscous Pants LegsLight Armor111
Light Bug-a-Boots FeetLight Armor252
The Dribble Gown ChestLight Armor553
Poison-Stained Britches LegsLight Armor363
Citizen's Leggings LegsLight Armor53