Wildstar Item Database

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Found 3433 Items

Rockfierce Leg Guards50LegsHeavy Armor4840
Petrified Pants50LegsHeavy Armor4840
Engulfing Windlegs50LegsHeavy Armor4840
Plate of Virtual Assault50ChestHeavy Armor4840
Opulent Barrier50ChestHeavy Armor4840
Responsive Armor Plating50ChestHeavy Armor4840
Gridrunner's Electrostatic Battlesuit50ChestHeavy Armor4285
Gridrunner's Electrostatic Leg Plates50LegsHeavy Armor4285
Gridrunner's Matrixed Battlesuit50ChestHeavy Armor4285
Gridrunner's Matrixed Leg Plates50LegsHeavy Armor4285
Mechanist's Coretech Exosuit50ChestHeavy Armor4285
Mechanist's Coretech Leg Guards50LegsHeavy Armor4285
Mechanist's Core-Reactor Exosuit50ChestHeavy Armor4285
Mechanist's Core-Reactor Leg Guards50LegsHeavy Armor4285
Gloomclaw's Magniplate Spaulders50ShoulderHeavy Armor4285
Burning Helm50HeadHeavy Armor4285
Synthesized Visor50HeadHeavy Armor4285
Monolith Mask50HeadHeavy Armor4285
Shackles of Rage50LegsHeavy Armor4285
Big Data Harness50ShoulderHeavy Armor4285
Breeches of Boldness50LegsHeavy Armor4285
Impenetrable Cover50ShoulderHeavy Armor4285
Extrapolating Leg Plates50LegsHeavy Armor4285
Crushgore Chest Guard50ChestHeavy Armor3951
Onslaught Leg Plates50LegsHeavy Armor3951
Kinetic Body Barrier50ChestHeavy Armor3951
Resilient Pants50LegsHeavy Armor3951
Ankle Thrusters50LegsHeavy Armor3951
Stormborn Plate50ChestHeavy Armor3951
Withering Garb50ChestHeavy Armor3951
Optimized Armor Vest50ChestHeavy Armor3951
Gridrunner's Electrostatic Helm50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Gridrunner's Electrostatic Pauldrons50ShoulderHeavy Armor3794
Gridrunner's Matrixed Helm50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Gridrunner's Matrixed Pauldrons50ShoulderHeavy Armor3794
Vicious Visage50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Mechanist's Coretech Great Helm50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Mechanist's Coretech Exhausts50ShoulderHeavy Armor3794
Mechanist's Core-Reactor Great Helm50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Mechanist's Core-Reactor Exhausts50ShoulderHeavy Armor3794
Daemonclaw Gloves50HandsHeavy Armor3794
Lava Boots50FeetHeavy Armor3794
Commanding Grasps50HandsHeavy Armor3794
Footstone50FeetHeavy Armor3794
Fragmented Bracers50HandsHeavy Armor3794
Aerowalks50FeetHeavy Armor3794
Severing Helm50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Hardened Noggincap50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Protective Heads-Up Visor50HeadHeavy Armor3794
Armored Shoulder Mounts50ShoulderHeavy Armor3794