Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1938 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Path Ability Unlock IOU  Book 
Damaged Alien Horse Hoof1 Junk 
Abnormal Eldan Heart1 Junk 
Bland Fried "Fillet"1 Junk 
Rot Skin1 Junk 
Bland Seared Rib1 Junk 
Bland Nuked "Fillet"1 Junk 
Bland Nuked Rib1 Junk 
Bland Rib Stew1 Junk 
Bland Fried "Shank"1 Junk 
Bland Nuked "Shank"1 Junk 
Bland "Shank" Stew1 Junk 
Damaged Mechari Gears1 Junk 
Discolored Skug Fangs1 Junk 
Salt Leaf1 Junk 
Bland "Fillet" Stew1 Junk 
Damaged Gears1 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk 
Damaged Elk Deer Hoof1 Junk 
Open Tagging Multi Drop Item2 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk 
Broken Implant1 Junk 
Archaeology Tablet Fragment1 Junk 
Discolored Skug Queen Fangs1 Junk 
Discolored Ash Hen Feathers1 Junk 
Crafting Level I.O.U.  Junk 
Schematic Reward I.O.U.  Junk 
Broken Tooth1 Junk 
Discolored Snoglug Tooth1 Junk 
Shopping List  Junk 
Discolored Nerid Tooth1 Junk 
Tiny Skeech Fetish1 Junk 
Stripped Murgh Wings1 Junk 
Tattered Ribbon1 Junk 
Tainted Fraz Essence1 Junk 
Filtered Water1 Junk 
Torn Draken Hide1 Junk 
Carapace Shard1 Junk 
Puzzle Piece B00A - Yellow 101 Junk 
Cracked Spider Pincers1 Junk 
Torn Chua Pelt1 Junk 
Eldan Treasure Map1 Junk 
Cracked Octospider Pincers1 Junk 
Mining Brazier1 Junk 
Skug Pheromone Gland1 Junk 
Immature Skug Pheromone Gland1 Junk 
Ruined Pell Idol1 Junk 
Primitive Loincloth1 Junk 
Tainted Frizlet Essence1 Junk