Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 3679 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Citizen's Shoes FeetLight Armor 
Template Armor Light Feet FeetLight Armor 
Template Armor Light Hands HandsLight Armor 
Gambler's Shoes FeetLight Armor 
Heirloom Esper Boots1FeetLight Armor 
Shoes of Fealty FeetLight Armor 
Heirloom Esper Gloves1HandsLight Armor 
Heirloom Stalker Boots FeetLight Armor 
Heirloom Stalker Gloves HandsLight Armor 
Heirloom Spellslinger Boots1FeetLight Armor 
Heirloom Spellslinger Gloves1HandsLight Armor 
Exile's Shoes FeetLight Armor 
Exile's Shoes FeetLight Armor 
Citizen's Shoes FeetLight Armor 
DEP FeetLight Armor 
DEP FeetLight Armor 
DEP FeetLight Armor 
DEP HandsLight Armor 
DEP FeetLight Armor 
DEP FeetLight Armor 
DEP HandsLight Armor 
DEP FeetLight Armor 
DEP HandsLight Armor 
Megatech Technician's Shoes FeetLight Armor10
Warm Yeti Fur Boots FeetLight Armor10
Minesweeper Manipulators HandsLight Armor10
Scrab Smasher Fingerpads HandsLight Armor10
Star-Comm Foot Pads FeetLight Armor10
Artificer's Hand Wraps HandsLight Armor10
DEP ShoulderLight Armor10
Cold-Weather Mittens HandsLight Armor10
Simple Shoes FeetLight Armor10
Frostbitten Gloves HandsLight Armor10
Cloth Gloves HandsLight Armor10
Blast Scarred Boots FeetLight Armor10
Thickhide Grips4HandsLight Armor10
Living Shoes FeetLight Armor10
Living Hand Wraps HandsLight Armor10
Elderoot Gloves HandsLight Armor10
DEP ShoulderLight Armor10
Bot Technician's Gloves HandsLight Armor10
Warm Yeti Fur Boots FeetLight Armor10
Template Armor Light Head HeadLight Armor24
Template Armor Light Shoulder ShoulderLight Armor24
Crude Canvas Shoes3FeetLight Armor24
Tattered Canvas Shoes4FeetLight Armor24
Crude Wool Gloves3HandsLight Armor24
Tattered Wool Gloves4HandsLight Armor24
Heirloom Esper Shoulders ShoulderLight Armor38
Heirloom Esper Helmet HeadLight Armor38