Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 1340 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Aged Cuboar Horns60 Junk1270
Aged Gorganoth Horns60 Junk1270
Alluvium Essence60 Junk1270
Blast Essence60 Junk1270
Blight Fang60 Junk1270
Brilliant Draken Horn60 Junk1270
Brilliant Kurg Horns60 Junk1270
Cartilage60 Junk1270
Ceremonial Moodie Totem60 Junk1270
Chain-Linked Loincloth60 Junk1270
Colorful Stone60 Junk1270
Dazzling Fraz Essence60 Junk1270
Dazzling Frizlet Essence60 Junk1270
Decorated Bandit Mask60 Junk1270
Diamond Drill Bit60 Junk1270
Diamond Earrings60 Junk1270
Diamond Flask60 Junk1270
Diamond Necklace60 Junk1270
Drizzle Essence60 Junk1270
Eldan Interface60 Junk1270
Embroidered Rags60 Junk1270
Evo Essence60 Junk1270
Explosive Squirg Blood60 Junk1270
Flawless Alien Dragon Hide60 Junk1270
Flawless Alien Horse Hide60 Junk1270
Flawless Canimid Hide60 Junk1270
Flawless Chompacabra Pelt60 Junk1270
Flawless Chua Pelt60 Junk1270
Flawless Draken Hide60 Junk1270
Flawless Elk Deer Hide60 Junk1270
Flawless Gribbon Beak60 Junk1270
Flawless Lizard Hide60 Junk1270
Flawless Pumera Pelt60 Junk1270
Flawless Slank Pelt60 Junk1270
Flawless Walatusk Hide60 Junk1270
Flawless White Pearl60 Junk1270
Flawless Yeti Hide60 Junk1270
Grey Matter60 Junk1270
Grizzled Mane60 Junk1270
Hard Cubig Hoof60 Junk1270
Intricate Gears60 Junk1270
Isolated Contagion60 Junk1270
Lucky Alien Mech Tail60 Junk1270
Lucky Vind Tail60 Junk1270
Majestic Falkrin Wings60 Junk1270
Majestic Shirook Wings60 Junk1270
Majestic Vulcarrion Wings60 Junk1270
Mangled Scythe60 Junk1270
Poisonous Medusa Gland60 Junk1270
Polished Spikehorde Shell60 Junk1270