Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 51 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Charged Particles  Technologist343
Dimensional Bond - Fabrication Additive  Technologist198
Eldan Rain Water  Technologist499
Elemental Mud  Technologist749
Explosive Gas  Technologist343
Life Tree Compost  Technologist126
Polished Obsidian  Technologist198
Primal Mist  Technologist499
Primordial Soil  Technologist749
Pure Bond  Technologist 
Pure Bond - Fabrication Additive  Technologist198
Volcanic Ash  Technologist198
Aether Fortis45 Technologist691
Complex Aether45 Technologist691
Complex Hydros45 Technologist691
Complex Ignis45 Technologist691
Complex Petrus45 Technologist691
Fraxinus Fortis45 Technologist691
Hydros Fortis45 Technologist691
Ignis Fortis45 Technologist691
Lunos Fortis45 Technologist691
Petrus Fortis45 Technologist691
Solarus Fortis45 Technologist691
Vitae Fortis45 Technologist691
Common Fraxinus35 Technologist459
Common Lunos35 Technologist459
Common Solarus35 Technologist459
Common Vitae35 Technologist459
Fraxinus Simplex35 Technologist459
Lunos Simplex35 Technologist459
Solarus Simplex35 Technologist459
Vitae Simplex35 Technologist459
Aether Simplex25 Technologist314
Common Aether25 Technologist314
Common Hydros25 Technologist314
Common Ignis25 Technologist314
Common Petrus25 Technologist314
Hydros Simplex25 Technologist314
Ignis Simplex25 Technologist314
Petrus Simplex25 Technologist314
Tradeskill Item 125 Technologist314
Tradeskill Item 225 Technologist314
Weak Fraxinus15 Technologist169
Weak Lunos15 Technologist169
Weak Solarus15 Technologist169
Weak Vitae15 Technologist169
Weak Aether10 Technologist97
Weak Hydros10 Technologist97
Weak Ignis10 Technologist97
Weak Petrus10 Technologist97