Wildstar Item Database

Use the form bellow to filter through all available Wildstar items. You can use our item database to browse through all the items Wildstar has to offer or try and find the best in slot item for the class you are playing. We'll keep this database updated and we'll be adding new features regularly.



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Found 38 Items

Icon Item Name ▼ Level ▼ Slot ▼ Category ▼ Item
Power ▼
Unusable Crafting Prototype  Quest Consumable97
Aurin Datachron1 Quest Consumable 
Bloodthorn Pollen1 Quest Consumable 
Cage Key1 Quest Consumable 
Eldan Energy Weapon1 Quest Consumable 
Lit Torch1 Quest Consumable 
Nav System Key1 Quest Consumable 
Pile of Crimson Ore1 Quest Consumable 
Portable Turret1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Ancient Book1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Discovery Moveable Explosive Barrel1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Discovery Moveable Turret1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Discovery Portable Incubator: Primal Infused Creature1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Explorer's Pack1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Jelly Beans1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Lunch Pail1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Medkit1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Money Jar1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Mysterious Rock1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Mysterious Vegetation1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Nanny's Apple Crumble1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Old Reliquary1 Quest Consumable 
[Prototype] Sandwich1 Quest Consumable 
Buzzbing Bomb  Quest Consumable 
Dagun Genetic Sample  Quest Consumable 
Defensive Perimeter Turret Kit  Quest Consumable 
Dominion Standard Issue Grenade  Quest Consumable 
Dominion Standard Issue Medkit  Quest Consumable 
Dusty Power Core  Quest Consumable97
Emergency Medical Supply Crate  Quest Consumable 
Experimental Component  Quest Consumable97
Imperium Defense Turret  Quest Consumable 
Reconstructed Eldan Object  Quest Consumable 
Rootbrute Genetic Sample  Quest Consumable 
Smokin' Boudin Special  Quest Consumable 
Walatusk Genetic Sample  Quest Consumable 
Blurry Lines  Quest Consumable 
Personalized Hardbound Book  Quest Consumable