While adventuring through Western Grimvault, players will come across 9 rare mobs. After defeating all rares, you will complete achievement “I like it rare: Northern Grimvault” listed under Achievement » Kill » Grimvault. For some reason this area is listed as Northern Grimvault in achievement section. In the table below, you’ll find the list of all rare mobs available in Western Grimvault zone, their spawn locations, and possible loot.
Name | Loot | Info |
The Ravagist![]() | Armor – Light – Hands Ravagers Ravagers | Coordinates: 758, -2076 Level 48, 113k HP, 29k Shield, rare mob found in southern part of Western Grimvault. Dodge out his frontal cone telegraph or your character will receive huge amount of damage. Another telegraph to avoid is Power Surge he drops on player’s location. |
Amorphomorph![]() | Greatsword Titanum Titanum | Coordinates: 96, -3767 Level 48, 167k HP, like any other type of this creature you will find only his head sticking out of the ground when you reach spawn location. Frontal cone telegraph Pollinate, and Spore Bombs (large number of small expending circle telegraphs) are hard to avoid if you are stunned. |
King Grimrock![]() | Implant King’s Rock King’s Rock | Coordinates: 936, -3193 Level 48, 167k HP, earth elemental creature with attacks like Boulder Dash (King Grimrock jumps on that location and makes one more expanding circle telegraph), Tremor Sense (instant large circle around him). Tremor Sense is an extremely powerful skill because of its ability to debuff players. Players with this debuff receive double Physsical Damage. |
Scrabbles![]() | Implant Oxidizer Oxidizer | Coordinates: 1160, -3126 Level 48, 151k HP, scorpion type of creature. Scrabble is burrowed in the ground, and you have to get close to him to alert him. His attack Burrowing Ambush when he goes underground then jumps out near player’s location is the most deadliest attack. He usually performs this attack just before he blinds the player, making this skill even more powerful. Instant frontal cone attacks Poisonous Barrage and Snip, Snip, Snip Sting are rather small and easy to avoid. |
Sgt. Garog![]() | Support System Kernel Upgrade Kernel Upgrade | Coordinates: 640, -3995 Level 48, 118k HP, 34k Shield. This rare mob is well tucked among the wreckage of The Widowmaker that you can find in open field. Sgt. Garog likes to swing his big sword, especially when he uses his ability Demolition Shout. |
Excargo![]() | Pistols Slugthrowers Slugthrowers | Coordinates: At the bottom of southwestern side of The Widowmaker Level 48, 151k HP, snail type of creature. Like the previous rare mob, Excargo is well camouflaged into yellow-purple colored indoor elements. Excargo usually blinds a player while performing his telegraphs. |
Gorganoth Prime![]() | Support System Composite Factorization Composite Factorization | Coordinates: -636, -3562 Level 49, 123k HP, 36k Shield. This large animal with only bone structure has powerful telegraphs and melee attacks. When you engage him in combat you’ll notice that he has infinitive interrupt armors. Clear the area around him in order to be able to properly dodge some of his telegraphs like Optical Phaser (small rectangle), or Catch a Flight (jump onto player’s location). |
The Floater![]() ![]() | Energy Shield Buoyancy Field Buoyancy Field | Coordinates: Outer Core Chamber – Floor 2 Level 49, 148k HP. In order to reach spawn location, enter Phagelabs through a green teleportation pad in the center of Phagelabs area. When you enter the area called The Divergence turn left and step on a purple teleportation pad. Inside Outer Core Chamber – Floor 1, head south and step on the final teleportation pad. You are now inside Outer Core Chamber – Flore 2. You’ll find The Floater inside the largest room in the Phagelabs, floating above the large platform. Keep in mind that fighting with him on this platform or in lower section among huge number of fast respawning creatures can be pretty hard. In order to win this fight you have to avoid all of his telegraphs even when he blinds you. |
Weapon 24![]() ![]() | Weapon Attachment Augmentium Bonding Augmentium Bonding | Coordinates: Inside The Widowmaker, you have to teleport to this room in order to reach it. Level 48, 111k HP, 28k Shield. Weapon 24 rare mob is located in Widowmaker area, Department 5150 for Exile, Department YYZ for Dominion. Department Entry Console that takes you to this room is located in Widowmaker on the second floor, inside an area where you can complete 5+ group quest like Refrigerator Raiders (Exile), Refrigerator Raiders (Dominion). Quest that takes you inside this very own Department is Beneath, Between, and Behind (Exile), Beneath, Between, and Behind (Dominion). You will have a hard time, if you arrive at this location with unfinished quests inside Department area. because of the alarm targeting system and many creatures. Weapon 24 rare mob casts telegraph Optical Blaster, which occupies a huge part of the room. Another telegraph Plasmic Pummel is a powerful instant cast frontal cone damage ability you should be aware of. |
Amorphomorph drops a Greatsword named Titanum in blue and green Version.
Added, thank you.