Collective Life Force

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On ground, at the Northeastern part of Hear of the Godwood cave, behind a statue. You can reach the top of Godsbreath Terrace by jumping over many geysers in area. Quest that takes you here is “Godwood Ascension”, part- Enter the Gate to the Heart of the Godwood.


Quest “Godwood Ascension”, part- Enter the Gate to the Heart of the Godwood, takes you inside Heart of the Godwood Tree.




DATACUBE ENTRY: Collective Life Force


Ohmna: Order of the Progenitors


What a discovery! The beauty and complexity of this tree’s interior is amazing, almost as if the tree itself created such a space for others to explore and experience. It would not surprise me if this tree was blessed with a form of higher intelligence, perhaps connected to the planet’s collective life force in a way that we do not yet completely understand. Nexus continues to inspire me.

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Type: Datacube