Warrior class in Wildstar is designed to either dish out or soak up damage. Close combat tank with a ginormous two handed sword. Bellow you can find the Wildstar Warrior Action Set Builder (or Talent Calculator if you prefer that more) that can help you decide which skills to take with you to combat. This Limited Action Set Builder is still in development and we plan on adding more cool features to it in the coming days.
UPDATED to patch 6760 data (Strain update)
We updated the Warrior ASB Builder with patch 6760 data skill data. All numbers in tooltips are based on the assumption that you have 300 Assault Power and 300 Support power. These are base levels used in calculations of numbers in tooltips. Post Launch builds are still active, while beta builds are archived and not linked to on the site anymore.
AMPs (0/55)

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This build is viable for lv17-20 dungeons.
PVE / warrior Votes: 4 06/04/2014 - 22:35