If you like to pewpew your enemies into melting goo using Pistolero’s style SpellSlinger is the class for you. Long range, mobility and high burst is what he provides and you can spec him for healing with addition of crowd control for good measure. With the Wildstar Spellslinger Action Set Builder tool bellow you can pick and choose abilities you will take with you in battle, all while not being logged into the game and spending resources for respecs. Great for theorycrafting and sharing with your friends (to be implemented soon™). We’ll be adding more features to this Spellslinger Talent Calculator in the coming days.
UPDATED to patch 6760 data (Strain update)
We updated the Warrior ASB Builder with patch 6760 data skill data. All numbers in tooltips are based on the assumption that you have 300 Assault Power and 300 Support power. These are base levels used in calculations of numbers in tooltips. Post Launch builds are still active, while beta builds are archived and not linked to on the site anymore.
AMPs (0/55)

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