Medic, by definition, should be the primary healer in a game. In Wildstar, things are not as simple. You can spec your Medic to be DPS machine at mid to short range as well as a world class healer. If you are looking for a more dynamic style of healing play, than Medic can be speced in such way to provide you with that experience. Bellow we have prepared an online tool to help you find the perfect build for your Medic.
We call it the Wildstar Medic Action Set Builder, which is a different way of saying Medic Talent Calculator. It will help you pick and choose different skills you want to have with you while adventuring, all while outside of the game. You will also be able to see what builds other chose and rate them as you like. Some of these features are still in Beta.
UPDATED to patch 6760 data (Strain update)
We updated the Warrior ASB Builder with patch 6760 data skill data. All numbers in tooltips are based on the assumption that you have 300 Assault Power and 300 Support power. These are base levels used in calculations of numbers in tooltips. Post Launch builds are still active, while beta builds are archived and not linked to on the site anymore.
AMPs (0/55)

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