Esper will take his/her Psy-Blade and convert all their Psi Points into damage. They are a burst damage class that can also be specced for healing. They prefer to do things at range so there is a variety of crowd control options available. In our Wildstar Esper Action Set Builder (slash Talent Calculator for more traditional MMORPG terminology inclined among you) you can try and build your Esper out in any of those roles. We are still in Beta so more features will be added in the coming days.
UPDATED to patch 6760 data (Strain update)
We updated the Warrior ASB Builder with patch 6760 data skill data. All numbers in tooltips are based on the assumption that you have 300 Assault Power and 300 Support power. These are base levels used in calculations of numbers in tooltips. Post Launch builds are still active, while beta builds are archived and not linked to on the site anymore.
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Knock em down, Aoe on top of them with Telekinetic Strike. And Mind Burst for a finisher. Plus heal and CC. Has the best OTM skills for kiting.
PVP / esper Votes: 20 05/27/2014 - 16:37