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Skin of Evil (Dominion)


The rest of Wheez Nokenti team should be in close proximity to where you found him in Cankertube Swamp. Doctor Claremont has ordered you to waste no time in locating and rescuing what remains of these missing scientists.


1. Enter the mysterious bubble to rescue the Swooning Scientist

2. Resist The Globellum attempt to drain your life and take control of your mind in the mysterious gelatinous bubble

3. Rescue Swooning Scientist from $~(creature=59537)


Report to Doctor Claremont via your Datachron


  • 75000XP
  • 75 Guardians of the Grove Reputation Points

Quick Facts

Faction: Dominion

Level: 50

Required Level: 50


Zone: Blighthaven

Category: Zone – Grimvault