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Leaving the Temple of Osiric


Following Commander Durek orbital strike upon the Temple of Osiric, the Falkrin god has declared war upon the offworlders and ordered the Falkrin people to cleanse Nexus of their enemies. Durek has ordered you to assist in the Exile retreat.


1. Help Skywatch Troopers retreat from the Temple of Osiric

Leaving the Temple of Osiric 2508 Kill Stormwings attacking Skywatch Troopers.

2. Meet Corporal Darby at the Crosswind Fields rally point


Speak to Corporal Darby at the Crosswind Fields rally point


  • 2855XP
  • 226 OPERATION: Galeras Reputation Points

Quick Facts

Faction: Exile

Level: 20

Required Level: 16


Zone: Galeras

Category: Zone – Galeras